
Enthusiastic reception from inmates at Bath

We were so gratified and humbled to receive this letter from Mr. Joseph Joseph, the Inmate Committee Chairman at Bath Institution, part of Correctional Services Canada, in response to our Looking at the Stars event on December 29, 2015.

“Your event was an overwhelming success at Bath. As the Inmate Committee Chairman, I have heard nothing but positive reports, and the impacts on the men’s lives which were immediately visible will only be fully measured over the weeks, months and years to come.

“I must admit I attended your event with some skepticism, however, the overall night was a wonderful combination of music, and vision sharing.”

Letter from Bath (PDF 82Kb)

Thank you to our first recipients

We are truly humbled and most appreciative of the reception we received during our preliminary event series during the last week of 2015. Our sincere thanks to St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Baycrest Health Centre, Sunnybrook Veterans Centre , SickKids Hospital, and Bath Institution Correctional Services.

Our featured performer, Mr. Lukas Geniušas, was overwhelmed by the intense emotional connection he experienced with so many audience members during and after each recital. He’s excited to visit us again in April, 2016, for another event series.

To stay informed about our Spring Series, please sign up for our occasional newsletter, which will bring you news and updates about our organization and the amazing events we are planning for the year ahead.

A Message from our Founder

“I Look at the Stars” is the name of the first book written by my father, back in 1959. It is the story of an orphan in a little village whose only fortune is the sky full of stars. In the story the boy looked at them every night. They were his inspiration. They helped him feel good about the world and every human being, because the stars had the magic power of inspiration through distraction. They were a diversion into an imaginary world of justice, peace and brotherhood; the world and the stars converged into a single universe of love and hope. This project was inspired by this story and my family.