Classical music triumphs over despair

We are unique. We gift Classical Music to those who need it most and expect it least. We are not pursuing photo opportunities. We are committed to bring dignity and hope to our audiences on a regular basis. Since 2015 we have gifted 49 classical music concerts to almost 3,500 inmates of federal correctional institutions & 1500 residents of long term care institutions in Canada. Our performers include internationally acclaimed musicians such as virtuoso violinist Maestro Gidon Kremer, pianist Lukas Geniušas, Chamber Soloists of The Toronto Symphony Orchestra, violinists Jonathan Crow, Barry Shiffman, cellist Joseph Johnson and others.

If you love classical music and are compassionate, this unusual video presentation may inspire you.

Dmitri Kanovich, Chairman, Founder and CEO
Looking at the Stars Foundation


Meghan Booth speaks with Dmitri Kanovich about our work

Our Founder and CEO, Dmitri Kanovich, was invited to speak with Meghan Booth about the motivation and effects of our work with Looking at the Stars in federal prisons in Canada.


[VIDEO] Our very own Lukas Geniušas performs via live stream August 25, 2020

Bravo to our Founding Artist, Lukas Geniušas , for his live stream performance at the 16th International Music Festival “Chopin and his Europe,” on the same stage in Warsaw, Poland, where he won Silver ten years ago in the Chopin International Competition. Looking at the Stars is humbled and honoured by Lukas’ continuing commitment to the Foundation’s mission.


As we approach our fifth anniversary…

Commemorative medallion received from CSC Commissioner Anne Kelly to acknowledge our contributions to the federal prison system’s rehabilitation efforts.

As we approach the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Looking at the Stars Foundation, we are compelled to take stock of the work we have done in this relatively brief time.  As we pivoted from presenting our classical music gifts to seniors’ homes and long-term care facilities to delivering world-class classical music recitals to prison audiences, we have gifted 39 classical music concerts to more than 3,500 prisoners in Canadian federal institutions.

Looking at the Stars Foundation founder, Dmitri Kanovich, with CSC Commissioner Anne Kelly.

Recently our contributions to the rehabilitation of federal prison populations were acknowledged by Correctional Service Canada (CSC) Commissioner Anne Kelly. We are in regular contact with CSC staff and our audience, and we are planning to continue our program this Fall. Please stay tuned as these opportunities develop. We look forward to continuing our Mission to affirm the humanity of prisoners and bring hope to those who may not have much.

To receive occasional e-mail updates about our activities, use the Contact Form provided and be sure to check the newsletter subscription option there.

[VIDEO] Maestro Gidon Kremer at Pacific Institution Abbotsford BC

“Music is something that spreads positive emotions. I think music is something that can give warmth to everyone in trouble, in prison or not in prison,” said 72-year-old Kremer. “I’m happy to have been here.”

CBC Reporter: “Next time If someone asks you to play in a prison?”

Kremer: “I would go immediately….”

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra in partnership with Looking at the Stars supports Maestro Gidon Kremer performance

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO) published a press release about their support of Maestro Gidon Kremer’s performance at Pacific Institution Regional Treatment Centre in Abbostford, BC; Looking At The Stars first musical gift of 2020.

In their press release they provide this enthusiastic quote from Maestro Kremer himself:

“I am honored to support Looking at the Stars and its wonderful and important work with my performance at Pacific Institution Regional Treatment Centre. By performing works by Bach and Weinberg in the circumstances and surroundings of a prison, I will do my small part to bring humanity and art into the inmates’ everyday life. I am sure it will be a unique and special performance for me and hopefully an inspiring event for the audience,” said violinist, Gidon Kremer.

To read the complete release, please click here.

History in the Making! Gidon Kremer gifts us with a performance.

NEW! Our Donation Shop is LIVE!

We’ve just launched our new Donation Shop, offering an incentive to generous donors to acquire images of the paintings created during our interactive musical events.

Each pack of 10 cards with envelopes is a gift with your $100.00 donation. The images were painted by S. Gordon Harwood, our Artist in Residence, at music events presented at correctional institutions, produced in real time during the performance and donated to each institution’s Inmate Committee upon our departure.

Take a moment to view these wonderful works of art by browsing through the collection.

Remember that your donations qualify for a tax receipt.

CBC’s Michael Enright provides exceptional coverage of our recent Millhaven event

On October 11, 2019, Looking at the Stars presented a piano trio at Millhaven Maximum Security Institution. It was our third visit to Millhaven and the FIRST to be recorded by a major media outlet. CBC Radio One The Sunday Edition with Michael Enright created an extraordinary recording of the event, including interviews with Millhaven’s Warden and some insightful commentary from inmates.

CBC has also posted Michael Enright’s personal essay on his experience here. (Click to open in a new tab)

We are sincerely grateful for Michael’s attention to our work and very impressed with the technical abilities of his sound crew, who recorded this classical music event in Millhaven’s gymnasium to produce a recording of amazing quality!

Please share this post with your friends and family. It is an excellent summary of everything Looking at the Stars is about! Donations to our work are gratefully received at